Wednesday, July 31, 2013

4th of July Crafts

 We did a few Forth of July crafts before heading to our hometown parade.

 Jetty boy used our Dot-A-Dots to make his flag I printed out for him. He also made a flag puzzle out of Popsicle sticks. 

June bug learned why there are 13 stripes and 50 stars. She counted the stars and stripes then colored her flag. 

 We broke out our science kit and tried a new experiment. Fireworks in a jar. It was supposed to make fireworks but it just made a blob of water with oil and food coloring. But they still had fun. It's a good lesson for science. Not all experiments turn out the way you expect. 
Tip: Use trays for messy science or art projects

 Here is our bulletin board. I bought it off of for $10!!! I love a good deal. 

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