Thursday, August 1, 2013

Our schedule Daily, Weekly, and yearly

After scouring the web for schedules and plans, asking friends, and planning vacations, I finally figured out our homeschool schedule. I also am flexible to change so I don't feel tied down. But I love being organized and prepared. 

We start out each day with morning chores and breakfast. Depending on the day we start after breakfast. June bug gets 10-20 minutes to play. Then I give warnings (10 minutes and 5 minutes) to get to the table. We work on different subjects each day. I give her a break and snack after she has completed 2 subjects. I don't have a set subject schedule. I let her pick which order to complete them in. But unit study is always last. They are the most fun. We normally start at 9am and finish at 11am. 

Each Sunday I plan our week in my teacher's lesson plan book. 

Monday- Math, Handwriting without tears, science, reading, country and unit study

Tuesday-Explode the code, ipad, reading. Field trip day(basically go somewhere with friends) 

Wednesday-Math, Handwriting without tears, Computer typing, reading, country and unit study

Thursday-Explode the code, ipad, reading. Field trip day

Friday-Time or Money(alternating weeks), Handwriting without tears, Geography, country and unit study

Saturday and Sunday off

I have our year broken up into 5-6 week terms & 2-3 week terms with 2 weeks off in between for vacations, planning upcoming units, and holidays. Each term has it's own unit study. We are also doing monthly country studies. We started July 1st 2013 and plan to end May 23rd 2014. 

Term 1 Poetry

Term 2 US geography, road trip planning, & Maps 

Term 3 Little house on the prairie study 

Term 4 Plays & Performances (Short term)

Term 5 St. Augustine & Florida history

Term 6 Ocean Travel & Cruises (Short term) 

Term 7 Famous Artist & Art Show

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