Monday, August 5, 2013

Saving money while home schooling

homeschooling can get expensive. You have to buy your own curriculum's, school supplies, extra curricular classes, and field trips. Here are a few ways I have learned how to save a buck or 2. 

1. Buy used curriculum's- I found this Math-U-See teacher and student curriculum for $8. Yes it had been used but only up to lesson 7 of 35. June bug knows most of lessons 1-5 so all I had to do was erase 2 levels of lessons. My big pink eraser helped out a bunch. I have found lots of books, manipulative, and curriculum's at random garage sales. I check Craigslist regularly and am a part of a few used curriculum Facebook groups. Another great way to get free or cheap material is to have a swap with a couple of Home school friends. 

 2. The Library- I love books!! The library is full of them...for FREE!! They also offer free classes and story times. Our local library has books on CD, chess club, and many interesting programs. Libraries also can offer book bundles. Ask the Librarian to put together 10 or so books on a subject for your aged children. It helps to give them a weeks notice.

3. School Supplies- Stock up now!!! Back to school sales are the best time to save. Crayons that are normally $1.50-$2.00 are $0.25 each. You can get glue, paper, markers, and pencils for your whole year for a fraction of the price. You can also print up a teacher's card and receive discount from many big stores. I like Michael's 15% off your purchase for teachers and Barnes and Nobles discounts. 

4. Field trips- If you want to go to the museum it's going to cost you. But if you get 10 or more friends together you can save money and get a tour. Also check out free home school days, free weekend family days, and teacher discounts. 

5. Extra Curricular- Look at you city's resources. A lot of towns have sports and art classes cheaper than separate businesses. Our towns swim lessons are 1/2 the price of the Y's swim.

Any other great ways to save money while homeschooling?

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