Friday, August 30, 2013

Japanese dress up

Our last day learning about Japan was celebrated with dress up. Ninjas and a Geisha girl. 

The geisha wanted to be a ninja too. She correctly reminded me that woman are ninjas too. I love my mighty girl! 

Ninja play went on for a while! 

We also tried a Japanese dinner if rice noodles, bean sprouts, and edamame.   

Monday, August 12, 2013

Poetry: First Grade Unit Study

Our first unit study this school year was poetry. I chose this to work on June bug's creative writing and handwriting skills. We have a 3 day week for 6 weeks of unit studies. We read poems everyday but I might not have marked down which ones were read. We used this coloring book from Rainbow Resource for our unit along with bunches of books from the library.

First week
I Am poems and  working on similes

Day 1
What is a poem
I am picture 
Brain pop video on poetry
Read poetry books

Day 2
I am poem
Brain pop video similes 
Read poetry books

Day 3
Five senses poem
Read and memorize Purple cow by Gelett Burgess
Paint sample poem 

Second week
Rhyming poems and working on rhymes

Day 1
Rhyming video 
Rhyming workbook

Day 2
Write a poem and draw a picture about the poem
Type the poem on the computer and print it out

Day 3
Read poems and color picture that goes along with it
Emily Dickinson The Bird

Third week 
List poems

Day 1
Read Sick by Silverstien
Write 3 list poems

Day 2
Read list poem work sheet
Write 2 list poems

Day 3
Write 2 list poems

Forth week 
Shape poems 
Day 1
Look at different types of shape poems on the computer
Heart shape poem, write in the shape

Day 2
Animal shape poems. June bug chose to do a  Goose rhyming poem inside the shape

Day 3
Butterfly perimeter writing
Read and memorized Clouds by Christina Rossetti 

Fifth Week 
Acrostic Poems(first letter makes a word for a name) 

Day 1
Family names random words except her name. She had to find words that describe herself. 

Day 2 
Place poems. Beach and camps. We used pictures of the beach and camping to help her figure out words that go along with the place. 

Day 3
Her choice Acrostic poem. Surprise, surprise she chose B.I.R.D.S. We looked at her birds of central Florida reference pamphlet   to help her find and spell bird species names. June bug loves birds so much she chose to have her birthday party at the Audubon Birds of Prey center.  

Sixth week
Free verse

Day 1
Finally June Bug could write how and about anything she wanted! She had been wanting to do this from the first week. But what I loved about this day was she knew the poem needed a title, lines, a subject, and her name at the bottom. 

Day 2
Write whatever you want

Day 3
Last poem of the unit. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Japanese food

June bug tried sushi today! I was very proud of her since she is a wee bit picky. She also tried miso soup and green tea.

Visiting restaurants is a great way to learn about a country. We saw a even saw a true kimono. 

Monday, August 5, 2013


We are studying Japan for our Monthly country. We have already colored the Flag and read a few books on the country. Next up was trying are hands at Origami. I found this wonderful site Origami fun. There is lots of math involved in origami that I did not think of. Cutting our construction paper into 6"x6" squares, folding in half, and into triangles and squares, plus much more. Here are a bunch of pictures of our fun time.  

Ipad helps out
6x6 squares

 Talking Dog


 Sail boats

 Pelican(For my bird girl)

 A hat for my silly guy

 A crown 

Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

Saving money while home schooling

homeschooling can get expensive. You have to buy your own curriculum's, school supplies, extra curricular classes, and field trips. Here are a few ways I have learned how to save a buck or 2. 

1. Buy used curriculum's- I found this Math-U-See teacher and student curriculum for $8. Yes it had been used but only up to lesson 7 of 35. June bug knows most of lessons 1-5 so all I had to do was erase 2 levels of lessons. My big pink eraser helped out a bunch. I have found lots of books, manipulative, and curriculum's at random garage sales. I check Craigslist regularly and am a part of a few used curriculum Facebook groups. Another great way to get free or cheap material is to have a swap with a couple of Home school friends. 

 2. The Library- I love books!! The library is full of them...for FREE!! They also offer free classes and story times. Our local library has books on CD, chess club, and many interesting programs. Libraries also can offer book bundles. Ask the Librarian to put together 10 or so books on a subject for your aged children. It helps to give them a weeks notice.

3. School Supplies- Stock up now!!! Back to school sales are the best time to save. Crayons that are normally $1.50-$2.00 are $0.25 each. You can get glue, paper, markers, and pencils for your whole year for a fraction of the price. You can also print up a teacher's card and receive discount from many big stores. I like Michael's 15% off your purchase for teachers and Barnes and Nobles discounts. 

4. Field trips- If you want to go to the museum it's going to cost you. But if you get 10 or more friends together you can save money and get a tour. Also check out free home school days, free weekend family days, and teacher discounts. 

5. Extra Curricular- Look at you city's resources. A lot of towns have sports and art classes cheaper than separate businesses. Our towns swim lessons are 1/2 the price of the Y's swim.

Any other great ways to save money while homeschooling?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Our schedule Daily, Weekly, and yearly

After scouring the web for schedules and plans, asking friends, and planning vacations, I finally figured out our homeschool schedule. I also am flexible to change so I don't feel tied down. But I love being organized and prepared. 

We start out each day with morning chores and breakfast. Depending on the day we start after breakfast. June bug gets 10-20 minutes to play. Then I give warnings (10 minutes and 5 minutes) to get to the table. We work on different subjects each day. I give her a break and snack after she has completed 2 subjects. I don't have a set subject schedule. I let her pick which order to complete them in. But unit study is always last. They are the most fun. We normally start at 9am and finish at 11am. 

Each Sunday I plan our week in my teacher's lesson plan book. 

Monday- Math, Handwriting without tears, science, reading, country and unit study

Tuesday-Explode the code, ipad, reading. Field trip day(basically go somewhere with friends) 

Wednesday-Math, Handwriting without tears, Computer typing, reading, country and unit study

Thursday-Explode the code, ipad, reading. Field trip day

Friday-Time or Money(alternating weeks), Handwriting without tears, Geography, country and unit study

Saturday and Sunday off

I have our year broken up into 5-6 week terms & 2-3 week terms with 2 weeks off in between for vacations, planning upcoming units, and holidays. Each term has it's own unit study. We are also doing monthly country studies. We started July 1st 2013 and plan to end May 23rd 2014. 

Term 1 Poetry

Term 2 US geography, road trip planning, & Maps 

Term 3 Little house on the prairie study 

Term 4 Plays & Performances (Short term)

Term 5 St. Augustine & Florida history

Term 6 Ocean Travel & Cruises (Short term) 

Term 7 Famous Artist & Art Show