Sunday, September 1, 2013

How we do Landry

The laundry that builds up from 6 people in one house is as high as a mountain. But it must be climbed! 

I have a different way of going about the piles. Each family member has their own laundry basket. Names written with sharpie to make it official. I try to use the same type of basket for stacking purposes.  
I wash the laundry and let it sit in baskets clean until we have a bunch to sort. Then I dump it onto the clean living room floor.

Each child must find their laundry and place it into their basket. The baby helps unsort ;). 

They then take the basket to their room. I help sort and hang clothes with them, but they do most of the work. 

It is working for us. How do you handle Mt. Washmore in your home? 

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