Sunday, September 1, 2013

Making a map of our street

We started inside with me making a small map of our road. I talked about scale, direction, addresses, and streets. We then went outside for our walk. This was one time the baby and preschooler were not interrupting school. They loved it too.

It took longer than I expected, but we made it down our block. Marking street names, addresses, and counting houses. I drew the houses and June Bug wrote the addresses. 
We then went back inside. We took a large piece of paper and drew our block. June bug drew the houses and landmarks she would recognize. She drew the neighbor girl, the house with the pool, the man who is always landscaping, and the mean dog on our street. 
I also printed up a google map of our area and circled where we were mapping to show perspective. 

We still need to color it and add the legend but I found this activity fun and cross subjects. 
We worked on math, handwriting, spelling, map skills, social studies, and art. 

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